Friday, October 29, 2010

So I suck at this....

I don't even know how long it's been since I blogged but since the kids started school I have been...partying...NOT! So busy it's amazing I have time to sleep! I have been working out 5 days a week (waiting for the applause to die down) and volunteering at school too. It is great! I love it. BUT I am so busy. And exhausted. Who knew volunteering and exercising would wear me down so much! It's great to see the kids though and to be recognized by my children's fellow classmates. But as we come up on my husbands 33rd (yes I am the "older" 17 months or so!) birthday I look back at our past 3 years and realize these have been some of the worst years we've had. Seriously.

Between the RIF (Reduction in Forces) in 2007 that started the whole downward spiral (total and truthful blindside thanks to a certain b...anyway) to last years breaking point in which we pretty much hit bottom as a family. But that was then...this is a new year, with new changes (both kids in school) and honestly my husband and I have been having a GREAT time! Day dates totally rock! No babysitter to pay and we can get good food for cheaper than dinner. Yes no alcohol but who cares! We went to the firing range and that was such a rush I think we are going for our anniversary coming up! I actually missed him when he had to go back to work. I loved hanging out with him and realizing we still have things to talk about that don't include "hey stop bothering your sister" and "make sure you don't wipe your hands on your pants..." You don't lose your train of thought and the laughter...real laughter without sadness's refreshing!

Anyway, Happy Birthday Papi, I love you and love rediscovering you all over again. :)

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